Sunday, March 20, 2016

Learning Spaces - Week 9 Prompt

This week's topic really opened my eyes to the way learning space is changing. When I was in grade school, I could never have imagined having this type of learning space. I have been so used to the sit in your desk and don't get up mentality in the class room. This would definitely have encouraged engagement with my fellow students. Now that this is the way the classroom is shifting, the engagement is only going to get better. Working in groups together and building ideas off of one another really enhances the learning experience.
This also goes beyond the physical aspect of the classroom. Now we can look at the digital space. This opens up a whole new set of doors into the world of learning. The future of education will not just be on teaching but LEARNING! The resources out there are endless! 

Google Apps for Education will play a positive role in the development of learning spaces. If you look at the website for Google Apps for Education, the home page shows that it is completely free, there is easy collaboration, and you can use them on any device. This will allow us to stay connected as students and educators. Here is the link and I encourage you to llok further into the website!

We should challenge the assumption of doubt that comes with the movement of learning spaces. This is the way the world is shifting and we are doing nothing to help if we are grumps about it because this only sets us back. This is an exciting time in education! For those of us that are not use to this, yes, it may be distracting at first but this will become the way learning is known for the next generations to come so let us embrace it!

When I first thought about The University of Akron and the approach for the design and development of informal learning spaces, I thought to myself, I am still sitting in a desk! C'mon! But then as I watched the lectures this week I began to realize that I need to think beyond the classroom. I went to Bierce Library a couple of times this week and if you look at the layout of the entrance, there are desks with computers, desks with outlets, and a more comfortable set up. Also there are quiet studying areas that have good lighting and also plenty of outlets available. It definitely is not boring. Also, the way the desks are set up are for students to be able to work together in an effective way. Here is a link from American Libraries Magazine that shows the University of Akron's Bierce Library. Read the paragraph titled, "Technology Enabled".

I believe that the informal learning spaces on the UA campus really do align with my needs and expectations as a learner. Even this semester I feel that I have found out more and more how this environment is effective in the way I am learning and is improving my abilities as a student. I am thankful that the University of Akron is advancing in this way. 

- Mark

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