Sunday, May 8, 2016

Summary of Learning

Summary of Learning

The tool I used for my Summary of Learning was Google Slides. The reason I chose this is because I think that power points are a great way to give summaries of topics. They don't have to be overly long and you do not want to make them too short. It provides a great visual while you present.

I took away so much from this class. The ways that we can share information with each other all across the world to learn and teach is an amazing thing. The digital age is here to stay and since I have taken this course I am feeling hip for once with technology. When we were assigned to write Cool Tool Reviews, I found apps and tools that I want to use for my future classroom as a Special Education teacher.

One of my favorite presentations was on eBooks. I loved how the teacher was working with students with developmental/intellectual disabilities and was able to help them write a book. The students did most of the work, the teacher just gave them guidance as they went along. I really hope to do this with my students as well.

I will incorporate different technologies in my classroom by having my students learn different tools and apps that will help them improve academically and with life skills. Everything from teaching a student math to a student learning how to communicate when the student is non-verbal. I hope to work in a public school that will have funds for these kinds of apps and tools. Unfortunately, the school I work in now is private and is not able to afford these types of tools for the students. A few of the students may be able to use an iPad for 20 minutes once a week when the speech therapist or occupational therapist decides to show up. To me, that is not fair to them. These students deserve better and I will make sure these technologies will be able to be available to them.

I really enjoyed this course. Educational Technology has fueled my fire to become a teacher. I am excited to see the new technologies come out as time goes on! Thank you, Dr. Brueck. And good luck to the rest of you!
